A Little About Anli Haloka…

Womb Alchemist, Birth Keeper, Plant Medicine Ceremonialist 

Faithful Beloved, here to serve Pachamama & all her generous glory.

Talk to Me, Anli…

  • I choose everyday to show up and illuminate the hearts of humanity.

    My peaceful passion guides me home to my inner child and womb space, where all magic and wonder await.

    The alchemy of all innocence.

    I am a descendant of the most prayed- up spirit warriors.

    My ancestors play a significant role in my life work, and I choose to honor them through teaching womb mindfulness, plant wisdom and soulful magic.

    The story is the best medicine….

    A fairy of the Earth, dedicated to the growth and liberation of all beings here on Earth. Here to help remind people of the Living Light within to help them navigate the lands of existence.

    Since the land holds memory, I began accessing information deep within my Subconsious.

    I discovered a lot that was stored within my womb space. I was very stagnant and suppressed before. Abused my sexual waters and felt unworthy of true self love.

    A lot of trauma started to surface, a ton of memory was asking to be revealed into the light once and for all. I began learning to love my past instead of run from it.

    I grew more accepting, more receptive, more forgiving.

    From there, I gave birth to Herba Doula.

  • It all begins with an idea. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story can make all the difference.

    My primary goal is to empower each woman to find her power, voice and unique blueprint code through activating their shakti energy and transmuting their “traumas” into devoted pleasure.

    I believe that each and every woman has a womb conscious beyond measure, no matter what happens during our experience here on Earth, we are cosmic beings. Our wombs are direct portals to multilayers of intelligence and divine creations.

  • Herba Doula was created to give women access to affordable, safe and radical womb care, tailored to their individual needs and desires.

    Herba Doula acknowledges that healing is fluid and flows just like the water element.

    She has a changeable way of being that is one of a kind.

    My belief is, in order to build a sacred connection and relationship with your womb and plant medicine, you have to initiate or receive a conversation.

    Observe them and learn what information and wisdom they want to share with you.

    Through these slow, deep listening practices, you can begin to remember past life stories, ancestral DNA memories, connect with your higher self, and support yourself through creating your own womb medicine.